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A Reflection on 2019 and Goals for 2020

It’s the end of another year! 2019 flew by; I swear the new year was just yesterday. At the end of each year, I like to take some time to reflect on all that has happened. I like to look back and see if I achieved everything I wanted to and to create new goals for the new year!

Last year, I shared a couple goals with you for 2019.You can view that post here. I accomplished almost all of my goals for this year. My goal was to photograph 10 weddings as the primary photographer. I’m happy to say that I photographed 15! Another goal was to continue to second shoot for other photographers. I was blessed to work alongside Ashley Wallace Photography, Ashley D Photography, and Renae Goodwin Photography along with a couple others.

I was also able to connect with other wedding vendors like The Mill Event Center, Cakes by Kat Bakeshop, and JCM Events to name a few. I also really wanted to hone in on my client experience this year and create friendships with my couples. This was the one goal that I knew I would be happy with even if I didn’t achieve any of the others. I feel like a friend to a lot of my clients and I’m so glad they choose me to photograph their special memories!

I have so many professional and personal goals for 2020 and I’d love to share a few professional ones with you. I’m hoping to photograph 22 weddings; I have 14 booked so far! I would also love to continue to second shoot with various photographers. This winter I am going to work on my skills at creative double exposures. I think double exposures are so beautiful and I really admire the photographers that are able to create them well. I’m hoping to be able to create a good double exposure at each wedding next year!

Another goal I have is to blog at least once a week. This is something I am pretty good at until the busy season hits and I can’t keep up with it. I would also love to continue to connect and network with other small businesses both those who are and who aren’t a part of the wedding industry. It is so important that we support each other!

Thank you to all my clients and those who supported me for another wonderful year! I had a really fun time this year and I not only learned some things, but I also created some great relationships with some amazing people! I can’t wait to see what the new year brings.

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