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Henry is 3!

It's hard to believe the little boy that made me a momma is now 3. Those years have flown by. I always shrugged it off when people told me that time flies, but it really does. I swear I just saw Henry's little face for the very first time. And now instead of a tiny baby, I have a little boy who is growing too fast and looking older every day.

I think I can speak for Jacob too when I say that our boys are the best part of us. We are so blessed to be Henry and Jaxon's parents. Henry brings so much joy to us and all of those who know him! He has the biggest heart and truly loves his family. I'm pretty sure he is low key obsessed with his grandparents!

Henry is so funny and loves to be goofy, play, and draw. He loves Paw Patrol, dinosaurs, Blaze, and Scooby Doo. He loves giving the dogs kisses and sometimes annoys them because he won't stop hugging or laying on them. My favorite is when he says, "Mommy, I want to cuddle with you" or when he asks Jaxon why he is crying.

It was a hard transition for him at first and sometimes he still gets a little jealous, but Henry is such a good big brother. He gives Jaxon his binky when he needs it and likes to get toys out for him during tummy time. I think they're going to be such good friends when they're older!

Henry's second year of life was pretty eventful: he saw and survived a pandemic, went to South Carolina for vacation, and became a big brother! I have so much to write about in his baby book. Henry has taught me so much about patience and even more about love. He is kind, and big hearted, and is so loving. He gets excited over little things and is so curious about everything. Those are qualities I hope he never loses.

Being a mom is one of the most important things I'll ever do. Some days are hard and I just want to hide in the bathroom, but I know I'll look back and miss these days. If there is one thing I want my boys to know is that they're loved always. Happy birthday Henry Bear! You make my life so much better.

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